Ewa Lipska was born in 1945, in Kraków. Her first collection came out in 1967, and she is most often associated with the Polish New Wave. Volumes of her selected works have appeared in German, English, French, Danish, Dutch, Czech, Slovak, Catalan, Hungarian, Albanian, Serbian, Swedish, and Hebrew. Published in 2009, her novel Sefer (Mingling Voices) was translated into Dutch (as Dr. Sefer, 2010) and English (2012). She also writes drama. She is the recipient of numerous awards, including the Kościelski Fund Award (Geneva, 1973), the Robert Graves PEN Club award (1979), the Alfred Jurzykowski Foundation award (New York, 1995), “The Gold Key of Smederevo” (Serbia, 2009), the Naim Frasheri Prize (Macedonia, 2010), the Gdynia Literary Award (Poland, 2011), and the International Ipazia Award (Italy, 2014).