Feature image by Dan Perjovschi. Installation view, marker on wall.

Commitmentpolice, a large family, among us also lots of Cains and Abels, everyone is a policeman, joypolice, even when there’s hunger and fear, we grab hold, loudlypolice, we conduct a raid on love and, at night, the rain, everyone is a policeman, even hunger and fear, poorsinnerpolice, shivering decorates us, I hunt you and you hunt me, overandoveragainpolice, you die first, afterwards we are the dead

Dana Ranga

Dana Ranga was born in Bucharest, Romania, and emigrated to Germany in 1987, where she studied at the Free University of Berlin. Her first book of poetry, Stop, was written in Romanian. Ranga is the director of the award-winning documentaries East Side Story, (Astronaut) Story, Cosmonaut Polykov, Oh, Adam, and I am in Space. Wasserbuch, her first book of poems in German, was published by Suhrkamp in 2011 and was awarded the Adelbert von Chamisso Promotion Prize in 2014. Ranga’s Romanian poems have been translated into numerous languages; this is her first German poem to appear in English translation.

Monika Cassel

Monika Cassel is Acting Chair of Creative Writing and Literature at New Mexico School for the Arts in Santa Fe, where, with the support of the Lannan Foundation, she has developed a minor in creative writing and plans to launch a creative writing major in 2016. She was raised bilingual in English and German. Her chapbook, Grammar of Passage, was shortlisted for the Venture Poetry Award; her translations have appeared or are forthcoming in Asymptote, The Michigan Quarterly Review, and Structo Magazine, and her poems have appeared in The Laurel Review and Stone Canoe Journal.